Results of the 2013 Social Intranet Study - Live at the Technology Exchange
Join Prescient's Senior Consultant Adam Wasserman as he presents the findings of the 2013 Social Intranet Study at the Technology Exchange in downtown Toronto on May 16, 2013.
2013 Social Intranet Study: What Does It Mean For
Your Business?

Join us for a discussion of 2013 Social Intranet Study, which provides key information about intranet 2.0 tools from around the world. The study was conducted by
Prescient Digital Media, a leading web and intranet consulting firm, and examines the use of social media tools on corporate intranets based on a survey completed by 600+ organizations.
In this presentation, Adam Wasserman (Senior Consultant, Prescient Digital Media) will discuss the intranet’s progress in the corporate world including changes in adoption rates, satisfaction rates, and other data that suggests we are maturing in the age of the Social Intranet. He will also present the “10 Steps to a Social Intranet”, providing you with practical advice for increasing employee engagement, adoption rates and collaboration in your own organization.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
7:30 am to 10:30 am
MaRS Discovery District
101 College St
Toronto, ON

Results of the 2013 Social Intranet Study - Live at the Technology Exchange
MaRS Discovery District 101 College St Toronto, ON
Join Prescient's Senior Consultant Adam Wasserman as he presents the findings of the 2013 Social Intranet Study at the Technology Exchange in downtown Toronto on May 16, 2013.
2013 Social Intranet Study: What Does It Mean For
Your Business?

Join us for a discussion of 2013 Social Intranet Study, which provides key information about intranet 2.0 tools from around the world. The study was conducted by
Prescient Digital Media, a leading web and intranet consulting firm, and examines the use of social media tools on corporate intranets based on a survey completed by 600+ organizations.
In this presentation, Adam Wasserman (Senior Consultant, Prescient Digital Media) will discuss the intranet’s progress in the corporate world including changes in adoption rates, satisfaction rates, and other data that suggests we are maturing in the age of the Social Intranet. He will also present the “10 Steps to a Social Intranet”, providing you with practical advice for increasing employee engagement, adoption rates and collaboration in your own organization.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
7:30 am to 10:30 am
MaRS Discovery District
101 College St
Toronto, ON