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Intranet Global Forum – The Leading Gathering Place for Intranet Professionals on Facebook
Group provides an online network for knowledge sharing and collaboration between intranet professionals
Prescient Digital Media Launches Intranet 2.0 Blueprint
New offering helps clients create a successful Intranet 2.0 strategy to enhance employee communication and collaboration
Prescient Digital Media Launches Web 2.0 Blueprint
New offering helps clients leverage Web 2.0 to engage external stakeholders
Prescient Updates Social Media Checklist
Web 2.0 @ Work
Toby Ward, president and CEO of Prescient Digital Media, comments on the opportunities presented by the use of Web 2.0 in the workplace in the latest issue of HR Professional magazine.
Web 2.0 Blueprint
SharePoint 2013 Intranet
SharePoint is complex and simple, expensive and cheap, and robust and limited. It's many things to many organizations, and still unfulfilling to others. While it is a complex technology platform, it is first and foremost a web development platform. In other words, it is what you make of it, but it can require a lot of time and money, and it does require a lot of planning.
Employee social networking − Sabre Town case study
By Toby Ward − Once the domain of the Internet, social networking has virally spread to the intranet with impressive results for Sabre.
Intranet 2.0: Social media adoption
by Toby Ward - The new, emerging workforce expects their organization to match the pace of technology and deploy social media tools.
Six Strategic Resolutions for 2006
Six strategies to help your site be healthy, balanced and fit.
Microsoft wants Facebook for more than eyeballs
by Toby Ward — After failing in their US$47.5 billion bid for Yahoo, the giant Microsoft is looking more closely at Facebook. While the Wall Street Journal reported that Microsoft bankers have begun to look into a Facebook purchase, neither side has commented on the story (a sure sign that something is afoot).
Blogging The Intranet
by Toby Ward — Are you reading the hype? Blogs are hot on the Internet, and inside on the intranet. While there’s a lot of good reading out there, there’s also a lot of.... ummm, what’s a word to describe the opposite of good?
Content in the Web 2.0 World
What is Web 2.0 and consumer generated media? How is the demand for interactivity affecting content? These questions are addressed in this insightful article on what is now occurring on the web.
Implementing Web 2.0 for fun and profit
Within certain circles, there is a passionate and wide-ranging discussion about how Web 2.0 technology will transform the way companies do business. While the debate won’t be settled soon, there can be no question that this technology is being embraced faster by consumers than by corporations. And that adoption pattern has significant implications, both for how technology enters the corporate environment, and for the competitive advantages early corporate adopters can gain.
Let your content go — Online marketing shifts
Just when you thought you understood search engine optimization (SEO), increased adoption of Web 2.0 is greatly influencing online marketing, branding and of course the user experience. This shift is affecting how and where to get your message out, what content and in what format you offer, and user behaviors.
Managing Web 2.0
When speaking to different departments within client organizations about Web 2.0, I’m often reminded of the parable about the blind men and the elephant. The story illustrates our tendency to view issues from a limited perspective and resist developing a holistic viewpoint.
Will a Wiki Work for You?
In the warp speed of the web world, it’s hard to believe that it’s been over 10 years since the original “wiki” was invented. This was before the web became a household and office tool as essential as oxygen and just as email was starting to be adopted on a large global scale.
Web Content Management Matures
By Toby Ward — “The Web content management market is mature and expanding,” says Gartner’s latest MarketScope for Web Content Management (MacComascaigh, Gilbert, Bell, Shegda, Andrews). “Vendor consolidation has fallen (slowed)… functions such as workflow, ease of use and multi-site management are no longer differentiating factors; they are the norm.”
Web 2.0 Becomes Mandatory
By Toby Ward — Americans really dig social media… but Canadians love it. Almost 60% of Americans interact with companies on a social media Web site, and one in four interact more than once per week. These are among the findings of the 2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study (Cone LLC).
Web 2.0 / Intranet 2.0 gaining traction
By Toby Ward — According to Forrester, social networking tools and internal wikis will have the greatest impact on workplace collaboration. Technologies such as forums and RSS have a future in the enterprise but are currently underused, while podcasts have a limited future as an enterprise tool to increase productivity and enhance collaboration.
Web 2.0 is content that matters
By Toby Ward — Yes, the blogosphere and ‘Web 2.0’ are filled with fluff, idle chatter, and, quite frankly, a lot of crap. However, if you learn to filter the junk, as you do with your mail, e-mail or television, the rewards can be extremely meaningful and valuable to business.
Social Media Checklist - Updated
Intranets - the Most Valuable Management Tool?
Eric Johnson, Journalist at Credit Suisse, interviewed Adam Wasserman, Senior Consultant at Prescient Digital Media, for his expert intranet opinion on the history of intranets as well as trends for the future. Find excerpts from this article below.
Intranet Change Management Seminar
“Managing Change using Intranet Blogs and Wikis – What The Professional Communicator Needs to Know”